At Salema Ecocamp, we are dedicated to blending peaceful camping experiences with the rejuvenation of the natural world that surrounds us. Our vision is to honor and empower nature by facilitating the regeneration of the ecosystem that is home to this land. Through holistic approaches, we focus on enhancing water cycles, planting native biodiversity, and improving soil conditions to restore nature to its full vitality and beauty. We also aim to create bridges for people to reconnect with and embrace nature as their home. 


Our Projects so far



We have implemented a number of leaky dams along the mainstream that runs through our land. These structures, built from natural materials that surround us, such as stones and tree trunks, slow down the water flow, enhance infiltration, and capture essential nutrients that would otherwise run straight to the sea. This initiative helps revitalize the natural stream, prolong its flow duration, and fulfill a crucial role in supporting the local ecosystem.  



We follow nature's wisdom by cultivating high native biodiversity and integrating various phases and layers of the forest ecosystem. In one of our initial large-scale planting projects, we designated camping areas adorned with rows of fruit trees, bushes, herbs, and vegetables. These plantings provide enjoyment for current visitors and will continue to enrich the forest for future generations. 



We have recently installed a water treatment station to recycle all the grey and brown waters used in our camping facilities. Once purified, this water will be reused mainly for irrigation to enhance life within the camping and its surrounding ecosystem. This initiative increases our self-sufficiency and resilience to environmental challenges. 


Join the Regeneration! You can become a part of our regenerative movement and acquire valuable skills to engage with and support nature. Participate in our workshops and events to learn how to produce food, beautify your garden, and interact with the natural world in a positive way. Stay with us and get involved!